OzEWEX – the Australian Energy and Water Exchange initiative

We host the secretariat of OzEWEX and organise its annual Summer Institute and workshops.

OzeWEX is the Australian Energy and Water Exchange initiative. We are a non-profit volunteer organisation that is part of the international Global and regional Energy and Water Exchanges project (GEWEX). Our goal is to promote and increase measurement, understanding and prediction of the water and energy cycles and related variables over the Australian continent. Examples of important related variables include vegetation dynamics and ecosystem carbon fluxes.

You can find our 2014-2019 Science Plan here.

OZEWEX aims to achieve its goal by promoting and facilitating data collection and sharing; collaborative research activities across organisations, and engagement between researchers, research users and research managers.  Data brokering, collaborative research experiments, and workshops are considered important means.

Visit the OzEWEX website

Environmental Remote Sensing: theory and tutorials

For several years we have been delivering training in environmental remote sensing, as

  • an advanced course at the Australian National University (ENVS3019/ENVS6319)
  • training at the Australian Climate and Water Summer Institute (link)
  • tailored training programmes to groups of professionals
  • a publicly available online course

You can find all the material together here.


Environmental model software: W3 and OzWALD

The World-Wide Water model (W3) and its Australian version, OzWALD, are two near-identical models for grid-based estimation of daily water balance dynamics and water-related vegetation dynamics. Both are evolutions of the original AWRA-L model. The example Matlab implementation of the models is freely available for download. You can find the code, relevant literature, and some course material via this link or the download button below.
(Note that this is not the AWRA Community Modelling System (AWRA CMS), which also an evolution of the original AWRA-L model but is maintained by the Bureau of Meteorology and can be found here: https://github.com/awracms/awra_cms)