Li Zhao completed a Bachelor of Hydrology at the Jilin University, China in 2003 and a Master of Groundwater Science and Engineering at the China University of Geosciences, Beijing in 2006. Her research interests include soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer modelling, soil moisture, hydrology and hydrogeology. Currently, Li is a PhD candidate at the Australian National University, focusing on the topic ‘’Spatially forecasting coupled litter and root zone moisture dynamics’’.
Wentao is a Ph.D. student in Fenner School of Environment & Society at ANU. Wentao received his Bachelor’s degree in geoinformatics from China University of Geoscience (2011) and Master’s degree in remote sensing from Wuhan University (2013). His research interests include remotely sensed data science in environment, global vegetation dynamics and ecosystem response to climate change.
Wentao’s project uses satellite observations to analyze global vegetation dynamics.
Simon Walker is a PhD researcher studying processes that drive gully erosion and the role gullies play in delivering sediment to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon.
Areas of interest:
• Earth systems
• Geologic processes
• Remote sensing
• Spatial analysis
• Programming
His research is jointly funded by the Australian National University (through the Australian Government Research Training Program) and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation.
Chiara is an early career hydrologist with a background in project-based water resources engineering. Chiara holds strong quantitative, analytical and written skills, and is experienced in developing and executing field- and office-based collaborations across a range of hydrological applications.
Since completing a Master of Science in Hydrology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the Netherlands, Chiara is currently pursuing her passion for water resources by completing a Doctor of Philosophy at the Australian National University. Her research addresses the influence of land-atmosphere interactions on the onset and end of droughts and how this might contribute to improved forecasting capability.